Wednesday, July 15, 2015

In The Storm

In Matthew 14 Jesus walked out on water to be with them in the storm. They were supposed to meet Jesus on the other side but were prevented by the weather. Jesus was praying and sending the multitudes away.

They were afraid of Him when they saw Him. He was not where He was supposed to be. They had never seen a person walking on water in a storm.

Even though Peter was as afraid as the rest of them the grace of God had given him hope. If this was Jesus then maybe he could step out on the waves also.

Storms are crazy times. Naturally speaking we have limited options and little control. But as sent ones we know Jesus will show up in our storm. Grace gives us hope so we can step into His power in an experiential way.


1 comment:

  1. Your meditations have always blessed me and many other and being that I have known you for many years now I can say that you are one of the most caring and compassionate men of God that I have had the privileged to know. Keep on going forward my friend. Your friend Bruce.
