Monday, October 23, 2017

Blind And At Peace

This is a passage I have meditated on a great deal over the years...

"Who is blind but my servant, or deaf as my messenger whom I send? Who is blind as my dedicated one, or blind as the servant of the LORD? He sees many things, but does not observe them; his ears are open, but he does not hear." - Isaiah 42:19-20 ESV

'Dedicated one' is shalam (Strong's H7999) and it is a personification of the great word SHALOM which means peace, health and national tranquillity.

We live in a time where observation and sensitivity are prescribed and valued highly and closed-minded thinking is vilified and thought to be backward and contrary to progress.

This passage isn't promoting closed-mindedness. It is promoting a kind of singleminded blindness.

Jesus personified the above passage and He was and Is the most compassionate man that ever lived.

Grace is blind to people's faults but it isn't a naive blindness. The gracious person 'sees many things but does not observe them' because there is a higher favor that is given. Jesus clothes men and women in His righteousness but that garment is not visible to those that hear and see.

I was blinded once temporarily and for a week I had to wear patches over both eyes. It was very enlightening. My roommates brought me to classes and helped me.

I want to call on that experience and use it. I want to rely on God to lead me and not see what the world around me is shouting at me to see. I want to be blind and deaf but looking and listening for God's voice and cues. Living now not looking for later. Acting now and not regretting the past.

The world isn't going to tell us this. Our flesh will want more to see and more information that gives it power. The accuser will demand we look at the issues and shortfalls of ourselves and others.

Let's be blind in this way and be at peace with God today.


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