Monday, April 19, 2021

A Good Weekend

This weekend was so interesting...

There were some truly frustrating times... traffic... I missed a memorial service for a person I care deeply for... I got there so late that everyone was gone and I had to ask the security guard to unlock a door so I could use the restroom.... then back out into angry drivers... not feeling well... several demoralizing things like that... 

Then there were also some sublime times that were just so good... Church today... worship... eating pieces of a roasting pig while celebrating someone's birthday... two people in fact... simple times of just giving a person a hug and meeting her grandbaby... kind exchanges with strangers on the boardwalk with a group out evangelizing... singing a hymn off-key as we walked back to our car in the cool air with the sun shining on the Chesapeake bay right there... sitting out in front of Starbucks with Terry Therres and other men whose shoes I am not worthy to tie... relaxing enjoying the coffee and company while wondering at the nearness of Christ's return... 

I was at a meeting at a Panera bread and few us us were speaking about the Bible and a woman with her husband came up to us to ask what Church we attended because she overheard us... She wanted to go where we go because of things we said... I am so humbled and broken by that.

Life is hard but good. To learn, live, repent and then rejoice that I am forgiven. To love. To be humiliated because I need my dirty feet washed again but to also rejoice that I can tell people that the King of Glory is willing to wash their feet if they will just come to Him.

To Love and be loved. I am so grateful.


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