Saturday, November 9, 2019

Motive Descriptors

Thinking today about 'motive descriptors'... words that describe what something is doing (ex. 'a wave' = water moving a certain way, a hand moving to signal someone. A wave isn't a thing. It is a motive descriptor).

If we make motive descriptors 'things' we will have strange nonsensical ideas and expectations and it is very easy to do just that.

Light is also a motive descriptor. It doesn't move. There is no speed of light. That is like saying the speed of green. There is a speed of illumination. It takes about 8 minutes for the sun to illuminate the Earth. The sun we see is the sun as it was 8 minutes ago. A proton is the 'crashing of a light wave.' It isn't a tiny pebble. Understanding that changes everything.

Then we can apply that concept to 'a certain sound'. The source is God's mouth and we can tell by the content (living word order). Doctrine can be dry and murderous. The certain sound gives life to the hearer. The power comes from the source.

Love isn't a thing. Without a loving person it doesn't exist. The lover loves. God is 'love' is such a profound statement. Love can not and does not exist without Him. He is the lover that illuminates. His love is shed abroad in our hearts. Wow!


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