Friday, December 13, 2019

The Way Of A Man

"I know, O LORD, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps. Correct me, O LORD, but in justice; not in your anger, lest you bring me to nothing." - Jeremiah 10:23-24 ESV

A thought from coffee time last night.

Do you and i know this? Where do we find our way? It isn't going to come from a divine spark inside us. This passage tells us that.

I say that my 'way' is in God. I'm like a river flowing from birth to death and beyond and the terrain surrounding that journey has been determined by God not me. My decisions matter. God planned things with foreknowledge of my future decisions but I can't 'find my way' in myself.

I find God in the Bible. That is where I can know Him objectively. I can see Him in nature but His thoughts are given by scripture and the Bible becomes a portal of knowing my way.

"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.

[Nun] Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." - Psalm 119:103-105 ESV

Does God seem silent and your future uncertain? Look for Him in the Bible and you will find Him. The word will light your path.


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